Bleecker Street Records – 239 Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village, NYC  10014
moved to 188 West 4th Street, Greenwich Village, NYC in 2013.
Now closed.

This photo is from their store on Bleecker Street.

Here’s an article from Mitch Broder’s Vintage New York Old New York: Catch The Cool Cats At Bleecker Street Records published about the old Bleecker Street location (complete with pictures) in July 2013.

Here’s an article The Record Shops of New York: Bleecker Street Records published in the 405 in February 2015 about the West 4th location, complete with pictures. This comes from the Wayback Machine from the Internet Archive.

Another from Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York in October 2016 Bleecker Street Records Vanishing about the (then) imminent closing of the West 4th location.

And here’s an article from Airship Daily Infamous Store Cats Scuzzball and Creeper From Bleecker Street Records about two of the cats that roamed the store while you hunted for records.

And here’s a video Bleecker Street Records shot in 2015 of the store at West 4th, interviewing employeed about the store and its history.

These are of 239 Bleecker Street
And these are of West 4th

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